<p><img data-src="https://biz-file.com/c/2206/658299-208x117.jpg?3" alt="CSIR releases 2021 statistics on utility-scale power generation in SA" width="208" height="117" align="left" / loading="lazy" class="lazyload">The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has released its 2021 statistics on utility-scale power generation in South Africa. Technologies in the analysis include coal, nuclear, hydro, solar photovoltaics (PV), wind, concentrated solar power (CSP), pumped storage and diesel-fuelled open cycle gas turbines.<br> <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com//Article/196/693/228573.html">Read more...</a> | <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com//SendToFriend.aspx?l=196&c=693&ct=1&ci=228573">Send to a friend</a></p><div style="clear:left"></div>