<p><img src="https://biz-file.com/c/2301/684720-208x117.jpg?3" width=208 height=117 alt="Energy performance certificates - why you should get your house in order now" align="left"><p>In late November 2022, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) granted a three-year extension for non-residential building owners to submit and display an energy performance certificate (EPC). As the law is currently gazetted, those found not to be in compliance face fines of up to R5m or prison sentences of up to five years.</p><br> <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com//Article/196/640/235237.html">Read more...</a> | <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com//SendToFriend.aspx?l=196&c=640&ct=1&ci=235237">Send to a friend</a></p><div style="clear:left"></div>