<p><img src="https://biz-file.com/c/2310/715945-208x117.jpg?3" width="208" height="117" alt="#CybersecurityMonth: SA enterprises can benefit from AI cyber protection" align="left"><p>South Africa is leading the way in cybercrime across Africa. In 2022, the country detected a staggering 230 million threats, far outstripping Morocco, which came in second place with 71 million threats. South Africa also bore the brunt of the highest number of targeted ransomware and business email compromise attempts. It ranks third globally for the number of cybercrime victims, with an annual cost of R2.2bn.</p><br> <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/661/242859.html">Read more...</a> | <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com/SendToFriend.aspx?l=196&c=661&ct=1&ci=242859">Send to a friend</a></p><div style="clear:left"></div>