<p><img src="https://biz-file.com/c/2409/751465-208x117.jpg?5" width="208" height="117" alt="Insights into the fight against the construction mafia" align="left"><p>The rise of the construction mafia in South Africa is posing a significant threat to the economy. Criminal groups have increasingly been exploiting the 30% local procurement rule, which was originally intended to benefit local communities and empower small businesses, to forcefully demand a cut in construction projects. This has caused substantial disruptions to infrastructure projects across the country, negatively impacting investment, job creation, and economic growth.</p><br> <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com/article/insights-into-the-fight-against-the-construction-mafia-691871a">Read more...</a> | <a href="https://www.bizcommunity.com/SendToFriend.aspx?l=196&c=494&ct=1&ci=251821">Send to a friend</a></p><div style="clear:left"></div>